
DeathRoadtoCanadaisaRandomlyGeneratedRoadTripAction-RPG.Youhavetomanageacarfullofjerksastheyexplorecities,findweirdpeople, ...,2023年5月4日—DeathRoadtoCanadaisaRandomlyGeneratedRoadTripAction-RPG.Youmanageagroupofjerksastheyexplorecities,findweirdpeople, ...,2016年7月21日—DeathRoadtoCanadaisaRandomlyGeneratedRoadTripSimulator.Youcontrolandmanageacarfullofjerksastheyexplorecities,recruit ...,20...

Death Road to Canada

Death Road to Canada is a Randomly Generated Road Trip Action-RPG. You have to manage a car full of jerks as they explore cities, find weird people, ...

Death Road to Canada

2023年5月4日 — Death Road to Canada is a Randomly Generated Road Trip Action-RPG. You manage a group of jerks as they explore cities, find weird people, ...

Death Road to Canada on Steam

2016年7月21日 — Death Road to Canada is a Randomly Generated Road Trip Simulator. You control and manage a car full of jerks as they explore cities, recruit ...

【試玩】生存遊戲《Death Road to Canada》介紹最後一片樂土 ...

2017年4月3日 — 開局時,系統會隨機生成一名主角與夥伴,玩家可以看到角色的名稱、外觀、天賦(perk)、以及特性(trait)。其中天賦與特性對於這條求生之路有著莫大的 ...

購買Death Road to Canada

Death Road is built for replay value. Everything is randomized: locations, events, survivor appearances and personalities. There's a different story every ...